Study Guide:  Sample Exam Questions


The following questions are designed to provide an idea of the type of questions that will be found on the CHC exam.  Each of the multiple choice questions will have only one right answer. Points ill be given for answers marked correct; no points will be given for wrong answers (no extra points will be deducted). 

Written Homeopathic Section (Closed Book)

1. The correctly prescribed homeopathic remedy cures the diseased individual because:

a) its symptoms exactly match that of the disease

b) it is both similar to the diseased condition and superior to it in strength

c) it is both similar to the diseased condition and weaker to it in strength

d) it is highly dynamized whereas the disease state is of a less dynamized state

2. Which is the deepest most fundamental miasm?

a) cancer 

b) psora

c) sycosis

d) syphilitic

e) tubercular

3. In Hahnemann's Organon, a defective disease is described as:

a) one which, in most cases, leads to disability or death

b) one which is not amenable to homeopathic treatment

c) one in which there are only one or two symptoms so that the case is not clear

d) one which results from maltreatment such as an iatrogenic disease

4. In a case of arthritis, a LM potency was given and after one day the person experiences a strong aggravation. What is the correct interpretation at this point?

a) the wrong remedy, because you don't get aggravations with LMs

b) the right remedy, but the person is very sensitive

c) the remedy is only partially sensitive and another must be found

d) the right remedy, but it indicates that the case is incurable

e) the remedy is too deep and a more superficial one should be found

5. What is the course of action when it is found in case taking that the patient has previously had gonorrhea and had it treated conventionally?

a) begin the case with Medorrhinum

b) begin the case with Thuja a look for the next best remedy

c) give the remedy based on the symptom picture present

d) give Medorrhinum and immediately follow up the next day with the next indicated remedy

6. After giving a remedy in a case where the symptoms are only functional and not structural, what is the prognosis when there is an overall improvement in the symptom picture without any perceptible aggravation?

a) the remedy is incorrect as there should always be an aggravation

b) the remedy is only partially similar and a new better remedy should be found

c) the remedy is correct and given in the right potency

d) the remedy is correct but given in too low a potency

7. Which remedy has sense of disgust, ailments from egotism, quarrelsomeness, and aversion to heat?

a) Pulsatilla

b) Lycopodium

c) Medorrhinum

d) Sulphur

8. Which remedy is known for hurried speech with stammering, greasy face and hair,  restlessness, desire to travel, feelings of weakness and exhaustion, easy sweating,  strange impulses, and even a desire to kill others?

a) Hepar sulph

b) Mercurius

c) Stramonium

d) Tuberculinum

9. Which remedy describes a woman with asthma that is  worse with emotions and improved in open air, with a history of suppressed and irregular menses, stomach problems with a feeling of heaviness or a weight like a stone in the stomach?

a) Pulsatilla

b) Arsenicum album

c) Cyclamen

d) Lachesis

10. A woman comes into your office with an acute sinus infection. She has posterior nasal catarrh with much hawking and much mucus from the throat. She is especially sensitive to sun and drafts. She is also oversensitive to noise and music, worse from milk, and worse from a change of weather. Which remedy covers these symptoms?

a) Kali bich

b) Natrum carb

c) Natrum mur

d) Nux vomica

11. A patient presents with neuralgia of the right side of the face with numbness of the face, stiffness of the eye muscles, and wandering  joint pains. What remedy is most indicated?

a) Spigelia

b) Gnaphalium

c) Kalmia

d) Prunus spinosa

Human Sciences  section (Closed Book)

12.   A 4-year-old child is brought into your office with a high fever. She looks listless and anxious, seems irritable, and is drooling.  She refuses to lie down. Before you decide to take her homeopathic case, what considerations should be made?

a) consider the possibility of meningitis and recommend that she be taken to an emergency room

b) consider the possibility of meningitis and examine her  neck for confirmatory stiffness

c) consider the possibility of epiglottis and examine her throat to see if a referral is necessary

d) consider the possibility of epiglottis and recommend that she be taken to an emergency room

13. Your 40-year-old female patient calls you up,  worried about a lump on her breast which she has just found on self-examination. Your concern would be lessened when she says:

a) she often has lumps like these which seem to come and go with her menstrual period

b) she found only a single lump in one breast

c) she describes the lump as irregular in shape

d) she indicates that the lump is not mobile, but seems to be attached to surrounding tissue

14.  Increased adrenal hormone production which produces a  round or “moon” face, redness of the face, and possibly excessive hair-growth on the face is indicative of :

a) Addison’s disease

b) Nephritic syndrome

c) Cushing’s disease

d) Hypothyroidism

15. Clubbing of the fingers:

a) is caused by damage to the nail bed

b) can indicate a serious respiratory condition and should be assessed further

c) can be an indication of another disorder such as spinal stenosis


Repertory section (Open Book)

What rubric  would be most appropriate to use if a patient says:

16.   I keep dropping things

17.   My symptoms come back about every two weeks

18.   I always feel guilty

19.   I have pneumonia

 20. I will never get better



1. b         2. b                 3. c          4. b         5. c                 6. c                 7. d                 8. b

9. a         10. b      11. c           12. d 13. a       14. c                 15. b

16.   Extremities, Awkwardness, Hands, drops things

17.  Generalities, Periodicity, 14 days

18.   Mind, Anxiety, of conscience

19.   Chest, Inflammation, lungs (most specific = Pleura—pneumonia)

20. Mind, Despair of recovery


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