The Council for
Homeopathic Certification

Our Mission

The Council was formed in response to a new vision for homeopathy's future as a unified profession of highly trained and certified practitioners, and with a desire to create one meaningful national standard for practitioners of classical homeopathy. The CHC works with existing homeopathic educational, training, and professional organizations to promote excellence in classical homeopathic practice, including the North American Society of Homeopaths, which requires certification by CHC of it's applicants for registration. The Council promotes the inclusion of homeopathy within the recognized scope of practice of all health care professions.

How we fulfill it

Certification by CHC is a public statement of recognition by a practitioner's peers of training, knowledge, skill and competence in classical homeopathy. The certifying board includes homeopaths from major health care professions, as well as the growing group of professional homeopaths. This certification also assists the general public in choosing appropriately qualified homeopaths from all professional backgrounds.

Who we certify

Candidates for certification must fulfill educational and clinical experience prerequisites established by the CHC in order to undertake a challenging written exam. Those who pass the written exam subsequently take an oral examination. Successful candidates receive a certificate stating that they are "Certified in Classical Homeopathy", and are entitled to use the credential 'CCH'. This certification is not a license to practice, but is an important step toward defining a national identity for the homeopathic profession.

Board of Directors

Richard Pitt, RSHom, CCH  (President)
Randall Neustaedter, Lac, OMD, CCH  (Vice President)
Harry Swope, ND, DHANP, CCH  (Treasurer)
Karen Allen, RSHom(NA), CCH
Jeff Baker, ND, CCH
Peggy Chipkin, RN, FNP, CCH
Tom Elgan, CCH
Durr Elmore, DC, ND, DHANP, CCH
Kim Makris, CCH
Mary Masuk, RN, CCH
Iris Ratovsky, RSHom(NA), CCH
Todd Rowe, MD, CCH
David Stephenson, DDS, CCH
Latifa Tabachnick, CCH
Lucy Vaughters, PA-C, CCH
David Warkentin, PA, CCH



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2000 Council for Homeopathic Certification. All Rights Reserved.