How to Apply

A full discussion of how to apply for CHC certification is given in a packet of information which you can download directly to your computer or view on-line here. Please note that it is 15-20 pages (depending on your computer settings) and very detailed, so you may want to have a printed copy even if you view it on your screen here.

Download details about the pre-requisites, application process, and exam in Adobe format!
Click here.  

Click here to download the Adobe Reader to your PC if you need it.


Letter from the President
Application Form

About the CHC

Pre-requisites for the Exam

Two Approaches to Certify

Clinical Experience

Submitting the Application

Overview of the Exam

Policies and Fees

CHC Code of Ethics

CHC Clients' Rights

 Study Guide:

Written Exam

Sample Questions

Remedy List

Sample Case

Case Guidelines


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2000 Council for Homeopathic Certification. All Rights Reserved.