The Council for Homeopathic Certification

P.O. Box 460190       San Francisco, CA  94146       (415) 789-7677


Dear Prospective Candidate,

Thank you for inquiring into our certification process for practitioners of classical homeopathy. The enclosed materials provide a detailed explanation of the mission of the Council for Homeopathic Certification, qualifications required to take the exam, and the examination process.  Please get in touch with us if you have questions about any aspect of certification after you have reviewed this information.

Because of the increasing popularity of homeopathy, a greater emphasis is being placed on the establishment of a unified profession that aspires to the highest standards of education and skill in practice. The CHC is bringing homeopaths with many different licenses and backgrounds together under a single certification process—a unique development in homeopathic history.

Homeopaths who are certified by the CHC are listed in a national register that is updated every year and made available to the profession and the public in a published directory and on our website:  Our goal is to make certification through the Council become a nationally-recognized standard of homeopathic excellence.

We welcome your participation in this process.  Join us, and help to shape the future of homeopathy. Please return the application form in time to register for a specified exam date, and let us know if you require further information or assistance.


Richard Pitt, CCH, RS Hom


The year 2001 dates for the certification exam in San Francicsco, CA are as follows:

      March 31, 2001  /  Application deadline:  Jan 20, 2001

          September 23, 2001  /  Application deadline:  July 14, 2001

 If it is inconvenient to travel to take the exam, you may also arrange to have the examination formally proctored at a local college, library, or other official location. Proctors must not be involved in any way with homeopathic training or practice .


[ Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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