Guidelines for Case Submissions/ CHC Application

Each case should include a thorough account of the initial interview, plus at least six months of follow-up. Include all notable and relevant information,  referring to these guidelines:

1. Initial Interview

Recount the case in a clear and accessible form.  Describe the patient as a person, the patient’s chief complaint, current symptoms,  symptoms you thought were strongest and most significant. Use the patient’s own words when relevant. Include the health history of the patient (and of parents and close family members, if possible).  State your own observations and thoughts you had as you took the case.

2. Analysis

State your impression of the person and the case. What is the center of gravity? What areas did you focus on, and why? What information did you get from talking with, examining, and observing the patient, and what did you think was the most important? Did you recognize miasmatic influences? What characteristic and/or  keynote symptoms did you see in the case? 

3. List the rubrics that you used and give reasons for these choices.

4. Briefly discuss the remedies you considered, in terms of materia medica; compare and differentiate.

5. State the remedy you prescribed, the potency you chose, the way the remedy was given, and any other instructions you gave the patient.

6. Describe follow-up appointments, covering at least 6 months after the first prescription. Assess the patient's response to the remedy. Explain the reasoning behind the treatment plans you chose (waiting, repeating remedies, changing potencies, changing remedies, antidoting, etc.)  Also discuss your analysis and thinking process if setbacks, aggravations, or problems were encountered.

7. Describe the patient’s situation at the present time (or when you last saw or heard from them).  Before submitting cases be sure that personal information is written up in such a way that the person cannot be easily identified—changing names or facts that are not especially relevant to the case, and protecting practitioner/client confidentiality at all times.


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] [ Case Submissions ]

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