Policies and Fees

Applicants for Certification

All applications are reviewed by the CHC board of directors to verify that the prerequisite criteria have been met. Applicants will be notified of whether or not they have been accepted, within 6 weeks of CHC's receipt of the application.

Retaking the exam

An applicant who fails all or part of the exam may retake the required section(s) without submitting a new application.  Those who wish to do this must notify the Council, in writing, of the intention to retake the examination—before the application deadline for the exam date they have chosen.

An applicant may retake all of the exam or necessary sections as many times as necessary. A fee must be paid for each retake. (See schedule of fees, below).  If an applicant has failed any part of the examination more than twice, the board may require the applicant to wait a year, for further study, before retaking the exam again.  


The CHC does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural, national, or ethnic origins, political or religious belief, or disability.


All records and exam evaluations shall remain confidential.  In order to maintain the fairness of future exams, no person who takes the CHC examination shall make any material disclosure of the specific questions or subject matter in such examinations to others.  All materials related to all versions of the CHC examination shall remain the property of the CHC.  No applicant shall have a right to possess originals or copies of  examination materials.

Exam Fees 

Application Fee (non-refundable) $50.00

Written Exam Fee $300.00

Administrative Fee (paid to the CHC if the exam is proctored elsewhere) $50.00

Retake of entire written exam $300.00

Retake of Homeopathy multiple choice section of exam $150.00

Retake of Human Sciences section of exam $75.00

Retake of Repertory section of exam $50

Maintaining Certification Status

To remain in the CHC directory and to maintain the right to use the designation “CCH,” certificate holders must submit documentation of 14 units of approved continuing education, and pay an annual fee. Annual fees begin in February of the calendar year that follows the year in which initial certification has been received.


Annual Dues for regular CCH certificate-holders (due in February of each year):   $95.00

For CCH certificate holders who also currently maintain other professional homeopathic certification—RSHom(NA),  DHT, ABHt,  or DHANP—the annual fee is reduced to $75.00


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] [ Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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