Application for Certification



City, State, and Zip__________________________________________________________________

Phone:  Home (          )__________________Work (          )________________ Fax (          )______________

License(s) - please indicate issuing state: _________________________________________________


Please submit a typed, detailed description that includes the following:

(1) Your training and experience in homeopathy.  Include a detailed list of courses completed, with names of   schools attended, names of your instructors, topics covered, number of credit hours completed,  and degrees and certificates granted.

(2) Your training and experience in health-related subjects, including documentation of basic anatomy, physiology, pathology courses - or proof of equivalent background in health sciences. Include relevant degrees and licenses. Also send documentaton of having taken a CPR course.

(3) Your current practice. Include average number of patients per week, percentage of your practice that involves homeopathy, time allotted for new patients, types of cases seen.

(4) References: List the names, addresses and phone numbers of three experienced homeopaths who are familiar with your training and your practice.

(5) Any special needs or considerations regarding the exam.

(6) Five chronic cases for review. Cases should be written formally—including important points in patient interviews, thoughts on case analysis, rubrics used, remedies considered & comparisons, your reasons for the remedy chosen, and the patient’s response. Each case should include at least six months of detailed follow-up.

[Those applying only to take the written exam at this time (the Interim Approach for "Candidate for Certification" status instead of full certification) should submit #1, #2, #4, & #5. ]


A fee of $350.00 must accompany this application.

This amount includes a NON-REFUNDABLE application processing fee of $50.00,  and the examination fee of $300.00 which is refundable upon request; (request for a refund must be received by the CHC no less than six weeks before the upcoming examination date).

  An additional administrative fee of $50.00 must be paid to the CHC by any candidate who takes the examination, proctored, in a different location than the CHC office in San Francisco (or other location that the CHC has formally announced).  Professional proctoring arrangements may be made at local colleges, universities, or libraries—but not at schools or colleges at which homeopathy is taught. Candidates are also responsible for all fees required by the proctor.

 _____  I would like to have the examination proctored & agree to pay the additional fee  to the CHC, as         well as  all other costs involved in the proctoring arrangement.

I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Code of Ethics of the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC).  I agree to follow the principles set forth therein and to commit myself to the growth of my profession and to my own professional growth. I agree to abide by the rules and procedures established by the CHC for the certification process, and further agree to be bound by any decisions made by the board of directors of the CHC, regarding any and all aspects of the certification it provides.

I understand that certification by the CHC is not in any way to be represented as equivalent to licensure as a health care provider.  I agree not to misrepresent the nature of the CHC certification to anyone, either publicly or privately.


Signature_____________________________________________ Date _________________________


Please send this application, with appropriate documents attached & a check for all required fees, to:  

The Council for Homeopathic Certification

P.O. Box 460190

San Francisco, CA  94146

(415) 789-7677

You will be notified of the Council's decision regarding  your application  within 4 weeks of the application deadline for the scheduled exam.  If your application is approved, you will be eligible to take the exam. 


Letter from the President ] [ Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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