Study Guide


This study guide is designed to help applicants prepare for the CHC exam. Included are a list of recommended texts on which most questions in the exam are based, an outline of the types of topics included on the written exam, a list of remedies that may be covered, and some sample questions.

Book List

Exam questions will be based on material from these texts, which can be ordered from local book stores, from Minimum Price Books at (800) 663-8272, from Homeopathic Educational Services at (800) 359-9051, or from other homeopathic booksellers.


Hahnemann : Organon of Medicine, 5th & 6th Editions

Hahnemann: Chronic Diseases, Theoretical Part

Kent: Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy

Roberts: The Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy

Vithoulkas: The Science of Homeopathy

Materia Medica

Boericke: Materia Medica With Repertory

Clarke, J.H.: Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica

Cummings & Ullman: Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine

Gibson, D.: First Aid Homeopathy in Accidents & Injuries

Kent: Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica

Kruzel: The Homeopathic Emergency Guide

Morrison, R.: Desktop Guide

Vermeulen: Synoptic Materia Medica

Vermeulen: Concordant Materia Medica


Kent: Repertory

Schroyens: Synthesis Repertory

van Zandvoort: Complete Repertory


Grossinger: Homeopathy: For Skeptics & Beginners (Ch. 4 & 5)

Woods: The Magical Staff (Ch. 1, 2, 6 & 7)


CHC: Professional Code of Ethics

Human Sciences

Bates, B.: A Guide to Physical Examination

Seller, R. : Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints

Gascoigne, S.: Manual of Conventional Medicine for Alternative Practitioners

American Red Cross: Standard First Aid & Personal Safety


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] [ Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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