Clinical Supervision Requirements

Completion of 500 hours of clinical practice under formal supervision may be used to fulfill the requirement of two years’ clinical experience.  When less than the full two years of practice take place under supervision, credit will be given in proportion:  If 250 hours of supervision are completed, one additional year of  practical experience is required; if 125 hours of supervision are completed, an additional year-and-a-half of experience will be required. All supervisors must be certified by the CHC, NASH, ABHt, HANP, or specifically approved by the CHC board of directors. The CHC requires that all clinical hours be formally documented, so keeping accurate records is important.  The CHC reserves the right to check with the supervisors and schools that are listed by the applicant, to validate the hours earned.

Types of acceptable clinical hours and methods of evaluation are as follows:

1. Formal Observation:  Maximum 200 hours

a. Clinical Observation:

 The candidate may earn credit hours by observing patient interviews conducted by a qualified professional homeopath. (The practitioner observed must meet the qualifications set out above).  Cases taken during seminars, in school clinics, in a practitioner's private office are all acceptable ways to meet this requirement. One credit hour is given for each hour spent observing and discussing the case, whether the initial case or follow-ups.

2. Case-taking, analysis and management skills     

Minimum 300 hours. (All 500 hours of supervision may come from this category if desired.)

The candidate must complete at least 300 hours of supervision through one or more of the following approaches:

a. Case-taking and analysis skills under formal supervision:

The applicant may earn 4 credit hours for directly taking a case by him/herself,  within a supervised setting . A qualified professional homeopath must be present throughout the taking of the case, and the applicant must discuss the case with the supervisor (and other students who may also be observing). The applicant  must be responsible for the complete analysis of the case and recommend a remedy. If other students observe the casetaking and discussion, they can earn credit hours on a 1:1 ratio—according to the actual time they spend observing.

b. Video case analysis (a maximum of 100 hours may be earned through this method)

Cases on video may be analyzed and evaluated as follows:  A video case will be sent by a supervisor/preceptor to the student.  The student will review the case and write a complete analysis, including the chief complaint and focus of the case, symptoms to be considered, rubrics to be used, and differential diagnosis of remedies. The applicant must submit this case report to the supervisor, and the student and supervisor will then discuss the case, in person or on the phone. Four (4) credit hours will be given for watching the case on video and writing the analysis. Credit will also be given on a 1:1 ratio for the actual hours spent discussing the case  the supervisor. Two additional credit hours will be given for analysis of each follow-up, including the time spent with the supervisor/preceptor.   

c.  Cases taken by the applicant outside of the supervision situation:

Cases that are taken independently by the applicant should be reviewed and assessed by a supervisor in the following ways.  The full case should be written up by the candidate, including a formal analysis of the important aspects of the case, and discussion of remedy differentials, posology, prognosis, and management issues.  For examples, please see the sample cases in the CHC candidate's packet.

— 6 credit hours are given for each new case taken and formally written up. (The case report must still be presented in written form, even if the case is also sent on video).

— 2 credit hours are given for each follow-up taken and written up.

— 1 credit hour is given for each acute case that is taken and formally written up.

Credit will also be given, at a 1:1 ratio,for hours spent with the supervisor, either in person or on the phone.


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] [ Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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