Prerequisites for the CHC Examination


Certain criteria must be met for a person to be eligible to take the certification exam.

All applicants must demonstrate that they have had adequate training and clinical experience to enable them to take the exam with confidence. Basic requirements for certification include:

A. Educational Requirements

1.  500 hours of education in Classical Homeopathy  

Each applicant must have completed a total of 500 hours of training in classical homeopathy to be eligible to take the exam. This may include credit hours earned through formal instruction in established schools and seminars, as well as hours earned through clinical experience.   

2.  Completion of a CPR course.

3.  Basic knowledge in human sciences.  Applicants must have sufficient knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology, medical terminology, and basic clinical assessment skills to be able to reasonably deal with common health care situations, and to recognize the need for referral to other health professionals when appropriate.


B. Clinical Experience  & Professional Practice Requirements

In addition to fulfilling the formal education requirements as set out above, the applicant must have completed at least 1 to 2 years* of professional homeopathic practice to receive full certification. The Council will assess the amount of clinical experience earned, on the basis of the number of patients seen and cases taken by the applicant during this period of time.

(* Currently, credit will be given for a “year” of practice if the applicant has taken and managed a minimum of 50 substantial cases, each with at least two follow-up appointments; —i.e., an average of one new patient per week, or more. If circumstances in an applicant’s life or practice prevent fulfillment of these requirements within 2 years, the applicant may request a review from the CHC, for an extension of the time.)

If an applicant has undergone substantial clinical supervision as part of formal training, this can also count as clinical experience. (See also page on “Clinical Supervision Requirements.”)

Credit for professional practice may be fulfilled by clinical supervision hours, as follows:

500 hours of Clinical Supervision
No additional professional practice is required

300 hours of Clinical Supervision
6 additional months of professional practice required

100 hours of Clinical Supervision
1 additional year of professional practice required


Two different approaches to completing the certification process are available:

1) Standard Approach:  To earn full certification in classical homeopathy, with the right to use the “CCH” designation and be listed in the CHC directory

2)  Interim Approach: To take the written exam, on completing only the education prerequisites, and receive an interim acknowledgement:  “Candidate for Certification.”  Two  years will then be allowed for completing  the clinical experience requirements, submitting written reports of five long-term cases, and passing the oral exam—at which time the Candidate will qualify for full certification.  An interim “Candidate for Certification” may not use the designation “CCH” and will not be listed in the directory, until all requirements, above, have been fulfilled.


Please note that no changes have been made in the CHC’s requirements for certification. 

The Interim Approach has been added to allow those applicants who choose it to complete the same requirements in different sequence.  See pages that follow, for more detailed information.  


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] [ Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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