Applying for the CHC Exam


If  you determine—based on the information in this packet—that you are qualified to take the examination, you may submit a formal application to the CHC office.  Applications must be received a minimum of 10 weeks before the set exam date, to allow sufficient time for the application to be reviewed by the Board, and for arrangements for the exam to be finalized. 


Each applicant must submit the following:

  • A completed application form (included in this packet), along with all supporting documentation as designated on the form.

  • Five chronic cases with at least six months of follow-up, formally written up in accord with established guidelines. (See the list of  “Guidelines for Submitted Cases” included in this packet, and carefully review the sample cases, to get a clear idea of the type of information to include and the format we expect.)  A thorough presentation of each case is required, including an account of relevant information from each visit, a full analysis of the case, the rubrics used, comparisons of remedies considered, the remedy given, the patient’s response,  and discussion of any related homeopathic or case management issues.  The client’s name and any potentially-identifying information must be altered, to maintain confidentiality.  [Please keep the original case reports and send copies with the application. The CHC will not return them and will not necessarily be keeping them on file once your application has been processed.]

  • A check or money order for the full application & examination fee must accompany the application.

   —Examination Fee:  $350.  (If application is not accepted, all but a $50 application fee will be refunded.)     

  —Administrative fee (paid to the CHC office if the exam will be proctored): $50

If you plan to take the examination in a proctored situation, instead of at the designated site for the exam, this fee will cover the extra time and cost required to mail copies of the exam to the proctor you select and to arrange their prompt return. Proctoring must take place on the formally-set exam dates.  The applicant is responsible for making all arrangements for a proctor and for paying all fees required by the proctor or institution. (Local libraries & colleges often offer formal proctoring services.  No proctor or proctoring institution may be involved in homeopathic education or practice in any way.) The CHC must be notified of the name and mailing address of the proctoring institution and contact person at least 4 weeks before the examination date, so the proctor will receive the test in time for the scheduled exam date. 

[See also page entitled, “Policies & Fees.”]

• You will be notified of the Council's decision regarding  your application  within 4 weeks of the application deadline for the scheduled exam.   If your application is approved, you will be eligible to take the exam. 


The Exam


  The exam consists of the following parts:

• A supervised examination comprised of multiple-choice questions, covering  many aspects of homeopathic theory, history, practice issues, and materia medica.

• A supervised examination of multiple-choice questions covering basic areas of human sciences and medical information.

• A supervised examination consisting of two written cases that must be analyzed and discussed by the applicant through detailed written essays—to demonstrate the applicant’s thought processes, understanding of significant aspects of the case, methods of case analysis, rubrics, comparative materia medica, and ideas about case management.

• An oral examination—which will be scheduled at a later time for those who have passed all parts of the written exam. The oral exam will consist of a detailed telephone interview with a CHC Board member, exploring many aspects of the applicant’s education, practice situation,  ideas and methods, and other relevant subjects.

  Upon completion of this process, the successful applicant will receive a certificate from the Council, will be allowed to use the designated title, “CCH” (Certified Classical Homeopath), and will be listed in the CHC’s directory of certified practitioners.


Letter from the President ] Application for Certification ] About the CHC ] Prerequisites for the CHC Examination ] Two Approaches to Certify ] Clinical Experience ] [ Submitting the Application ] Overview of the Exam ] Policies and Fees ] CHC Code of Ethics ] CHC Clients' Rights ] Book List ] Written Exam ] Sample Case ] Case Submissions ]

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